Friday, September 05, 2008

Everything I have learned, I learned from a child...

I have learned so much since having children that I thought I already knew. My children constantly challenge me in my faith and in my knowledge, not to mention my explanation skills.

Since Sam was 3 he has wondered about Heaven and how to get there because he was so close to his great grandma when she died in 2004. When she passed we told him that great grandma was in Heaven watching down on us and most likely playing checkers with Jesus (my mom told him this one) and he quickly spoke up and said.."No she isn't, she is in that box!" My heart sunk and I had to try and explain to him how even though she was in the coffin, her heart and mind were with Jesus. This was of course followed by more questions like, "How do I get to Heaven" Remember...3 year old here!. I had to do my own searching to find the answers for him...I didn't want to be the one that gave him the wrong answer about eternity. He wanted to go see her now and often cried anytime someone mentioned her (he is still a little sensitive about it). He once told my mom that you take Route 7 and then 23 and then you are there...his directions for Heaven.

So today I had to teach Josh the same sort of lesson....As we were driving down the street we passed a cemetery and he said "Is that how you get to have to go there first?" told him that after we die we become invisible and we go to see Jesus. So he is Heaven in the dirt?! (don't laugh he was serious!)

Luckily the questions stopped there but he always says...I miss great grammy and gramps (his name for my dad). He only has pictures to remind him of grammy but I think he always understood Samuel's grief and thought it should be his too.

I am sure the older they get the harder the questions and the more I am going to have to study to answer them. So say a prayer for me...