Saturday, March 24, 2007


That is what I have heard most of this week when I tell everyone what is going on around here. We are taking both kids in on Thursday to have their tonsils removed. To compound the problem, Wayne is most likely working this next weekend and we have almost completely gutted our kitchen for a month long remodel project. I say a month with much optimism. I didn't realize how much I rely on my stove and oven. I forgot that you can boil water in the microwave since we never use the microwave except for hot dogs. I am going to start tiling the floor in the next two days and my dear ole husband thought it a good idea to tile both the dining area and the kitchen. If you have ever been in my house you know that our kitchen is really large...12x24 to be exact. Since I like to tile and I voluteered for that part of the project...he changed his mind about carpeting half thus reducing some of his projects in there. Actually we work really good together in these home improvements. So...IT WILL BE FUN....IT WILL BE FUN...IT WILL BE FFFFFUNNN!

I thought that since I haven't done my weekly sermon update from last week's sermon I thought I would squeeze it in before tomorrow. I would like to say that everyone has been asking about the lack of sermon but I think all of the preaching has left some of my loyal readers with nothing to say...surprising from some...I must say.

This weeks' sermon was titled "What are you going to do with your dash?"
Dash? you might ask. Yes, dash...the one that seperates the year you were born and the year that you die. Like my dad's dash 1945-2007. It is so little but so significant. Are we letting the world pass us by from our "EZ" chair or are we out there doing something with our life? God has given us that dash between birth and death for more than just the "EZ" life. He wants us to be open to his calling to do something big. If we look at the different people from the bible that were called to something big by God then you will see it is neither easy or comfortable. Take Noah for example...God didn't say...I have this boat over there that I have loaded animals and I need you to get on...No he said...I want you to build a boat (ark and you need to collect the animals. He did it in faith of a promise that was unseen. I am sure he was ridiculed by on lookers and mocked about his faith but he stood strong and did what the Lord had asked him. He answered that intial calling. But the calling doesn't just stop there. God gives us reassurance that if we remain faithful that he will reward us for our faithfulness. Becoming a Christian doesn't remove our suffering but many know that if they didn't have the reassurance of God during their suffering their suffering would have been unbearable.
Lately I have been straining to hear the calling for what I am to do with my dash...I want to make an impact, I want to be remembered for more than just someone's daughter, granddaughter, mother or wife. I want my life to impact someone. Wayne and I both have this awesome opportunity to go to Africa to help with the mission work that is going on there. We are excited and a bit fearful. Not afraid but apprehensive of how this will change our lives. Some have asked why Africa...well the truth is...why not Africa. I feel like people in other countries don't have the opportunity and resources that we have here. We have been blessed with so much and we are ready to give back. I don't want this "mission" work to stop in Africa. I want to reach out to those around me. I watched this really neat video a couple of weeks ago in my bible study and it has really been a reassurance for me that what me and Wayne are doing is the right this (There is that reassurance after the call that the pastor was talking about). The video was of Reggie McNeal at the M7 leadership conference for Nazarene leaders. He was talking about how we "the church" have a tendency to yell from our steps "COME TO OUR CHURCH...WE HAVE THE ANSWERS...BE LIKE US AND YOU WILL GET TO HEAVEN" What we need to be doing is getting out in our community and becoming friends with the community and examples of Jesus. He said maybe all of the "churchy" people are already in church. That makes sense to me. Maybe we are going about this all wrong maybe we need show by example and then if they come to our church they are there to further their knowledge of the bible and it's teachings.

Ok...I think I will end there. But let me leave you with a passage that has sustained me a few times in the past. ***It is a bit long but I couldn't share it unless I shared the whole thing.

Psalm 139

1 O Lord, you have examined my heart
and know everything about me.
2 You know when I sit down or stand up.
You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.
3 You see me when I travel
and when I rest at home.
You know everything I do.
4 You know what I am going to say
even before I say it, Lord.
5 You go before me and follow me.
You place your hand of blessing on my head.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too great for me to understand!

7 I can never escape from your Spirit!
I can never get away from your presence!
8 If I go up to heaven, you are there;
if I go down to the grave, you are there.
9 If I ride the wings of the morning,
if I dwell by the farthest oceans,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
and your strength will support me.
11 I could ask the darkness to hide me
and the light around me to become night—
12 but even in darkness I cannot hide from you.
To you the night shines as bright as day.
Darkness and light are the same to you.

13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! ****THIS IS MY FAVORITE LINE
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16 You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
before a single day had passed.

17 How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.
They cannot be numbered!
18 I can’t even count them;
they outnumber the grains of sand!
And when I wake up,
you are still with me!

19 O God, if only you would destroy the wicked!
Get out of my life, you murderers!
20 They blaspheme you;
your enemies misuse your name.
21 O Lord, shouldn’t I hate those who hate you?
Shouldn’t I despise those who oppose you?
22 Yes, I hate them with total hatred,
for your enemies are my enemies.

23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 Point out anything in me that offends you,
and lead me along the path of everlasting life.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Example of Great couponing...

So tonight I had a great find...I spent a total of 20.27 and I saved 104.81 and this is how. Kroger's this week has their Pillsbury items on sale for 10/$10 and I had a lot of coupons for these plus if you bought 10 you get $5.00 off your next order. So I rang up the first 10 and paid for them, with coupons my total was 5.00 and I got my 5.00 off my next shopping order. So I rang up the next 10 and because I had better coupons this total was only 4.20 and once again the 5.00 off your next order printed off. Then I rang up the bulk of my order which included the following items, for which I had coupons 2 tubs of ChiChi's Taco Meat, 1 bottle of children's Advil, 3 packages of listerine breath tabs, a can of LaChoy fortune cookies and soy sauce, a package of bumble bee albacore tuna 4 boxes of Totinos pizza rolls, 3 4pk of Bic Razors, 6 boxes of Hamburger Helper, 2 packages of dole fruit cups, and once again 10 pillsbury items which included cresent rolls, sweet rolls, pizza dough, cookie dough, breadsticks, and french loaf. Since I used the U-scan checkout lane I was able to use all 3 of my 5.00 off your order coupons plus all of my coupons for a grand total for that order of 11.07. YIPPEE...that is a savings of 89%.
I was so excited that I wanted to show you what it looked like so I took a it is.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


So I figure the title will get a few of you reading because I know for a fact that there are a few stockpilers and couponers in our midst. I have to say that this whole concept is new to me and I would have never tried it had it not been for my sister-in-law and her closet of anything and everything you can imagine and most of them were free or almost free. So I set out on adventure that has turned into a bit of an "game" (some true couponers will understand why I call it a game). Anyway...this month has been extremely nice to me and so tonight I was explaining this new passion of mine to a few people and they asked how much I have save this month and I couldn't give a number so I came home and did a little math. Not granted this is not an average month for shopping because I was building up my stockpile and our Kroger's had super double coupons (doubling 1.00 up to 2.00), so here are the numbers
Out of Pocket $340.72
Total Savings $537.67

mfg coupons

coupons doubled

Kroger Plus Savings
Percent of Savings 60.60%
Items Purchased 294

Now this is not just the bulk kind of things...included in these totals are pop, milk, bread, hot dogs, mac and cheese, diapers (essentials for kids) laundry detergent, cleaning supplies and a lot of medicine for colds and flu and a lot of other things that we need or use on a daily basis. But on the bulk side of what I was getting for my buck was 20+ boxes of cereal (now with dates on them so I know which ones to use first), 15 boxes of toothpaste, 10+ deodorants for me and 10+ deodorants for Wayne plus I have about 15 bottles of shampoo and enough toilet paper that I could wrap the world twice.
The neatest thing about this "game" is getting free or almost free stuff. Like I will never pay another dime for toothpaste (that would be paying TOO much). The reason for the incredible amount of cereal is because cereal is one of the items that always seems to be on sale and for under .50 a box with a coupon. So those are just a few examples and I feel I can type about this because my sister-in-law doesn't have a blog and she can't show me up in all of her savings.

That is it. OH one more thing...AFRICA HERE WE COME. We are making plans to go to Africa and we are excited about what God has in store for us there. We are going with an open mind and an open heart and so much excitement. I can't wait. We will be going in October.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

I didn't make it...but Wayne did

Strange title and a great sermon this past Sunday. The pastor had a wonderful illustration for the whole congregation. I am going to try to relay what happened but it was definitely a service that was better witnessed first hand. It started out simple enough. We were all handed a card when we entered the sanctuary with 3 questions for salvation

Do you admit that you are a sinner and that you can not save yourself?
Do you believe Jesus Christ died for you sins?
Do you confess your sins now to him and declare him to be your Lord and Savior?

On the other side of this card was a number. So he starts off by having 6 staff members come forward and he asked them these 3 simple questions for which they answer yes to, and he they are saved. Then he asked those same people to pick up props that were sticks with churches on them and he said each of these people represent a church. Then he had 6 volunteers who were the congregation of those prop churches and he told the our congregation that if the prop churches' congregation approached them and asked them those 3 questions then we were to get up and go to the nearest church and stand and follow the rules of that church. So off they went asking several people in the church, Wayne was one of the first and so he got up and went and stood at the nearest church. Then the pastor asked them to stop asking people and watch the big screen. On the screen was a scene of a plane crash that goes up in flames. He said, if you were asked by one of prop churches those questions and you are number 1, then you can make your way to heaven (the stage). If you have a number 1 and no one asked you, please get up and head to the back of the church where the last three rows have been designated as hell. Then he told the churches to continue asking...some churches did, some churches just stood there and talked among themselves but it wasn't long until again they were asked to stop and the big screen. This time it was an earthquake that had taken the lives of people. The pastor said...if you are a number 2 and someone asked you then make your way to heaven and those who are 2's and didn't get asked head to hell. This went on until the church was divided in half...I was unfortunately a number 4 who never got asked. It was weird...I wanted someone to ask. Wayne could have told me but he had went to a "fellowship" church and they were not allowed to ask anyone they were just there to socialize and have fun with each other, no need to witness. There were tears throughout the church as each person realized that a mother, a father, a son or a daughter had not made it to heaven He then asked everyone to take a seat and then asked if anyone wanted to share their impression. Many of all ages stood to share their heartache as they watched those they love not get asked by anyone. Some shared the joy as they saw their family in heaven. One man in particular said that he was one of the first people who made it to heaven and he had to watch as his family sat and didn't get asked by anyone. He said he ran out of time to ask them himself and he was hoping as he watched from the stage that someone would ask them. It is exactly how I have been feeling for years about my great grandparents as they watch from heaven. Are they thinking...if only I had talked to them more then maybe or are the looking with joy in their eyes as they see each of us come to Christ? So I ask myself am I running out of time on witnessing to anyone and everyone I know about this wonderfully simple message of Christ. Am I relying on someone else to ask?
It struck me that he used the numbers as a way of dividing the church because it is often never know when your number is up.