Friday, March 16, 2007

Example of Great couponing...

So tonight I had a great find...I spent a total of 20.27 and I saved 104.81 and this is how. Kroger's this week has their Pillsbury items on sale for 10/$10 and I had a lot of coupons for these plus if you bought 10 you get $5.00 off your next order. So I rang up the first 10 and paid for them, with coupons my total was 5.00 and I got my 5.00 off my next shopping order. So I rang up the next 10 and because I had better coupons this total was only 4.20 and once again the 5.00 off your next order printed off. Then I rang up the bulk of my order which included the following items, for which I had coupons 2 tubs of ChiChi's Taco Meat, 1 bottle of children's Advil, 3 packages of listerine breath tabs, a can of LaChoy fortune cookies and soy sauce, a package of bumble bee albacore tuna 4 boxes of Totinos pizza rolls, 3 4pk of Bic Razors, 6 boxes of Hamburger Helper, 2 packages of dole fruit cups, and once again 10 pillsbury items which included cresent rolls, sweet rolls, pizza dough, cookie dough, breadsticks, and french loaf. Since I used the U-scan checkout lane I was able to use all 3 of my 5.00 off your order coupons plus all of my coupons for a grand total for that order of 11.07. YIPPEE...that is a savings of 89%.
I was so excited that I wanted to show you what it looked like so I took a it is.


Anonymous said...

As a fellow couponer I can truly appreciate all that stuff you got for so little. Here in the Land of the Sun we can get most of what you bought for so little too, except for the Pillsbuy things. Sometimes they are cheap, but never THAT cheap. Also it's rare that cereal is less than $1.50 a box. Oh well, I guess that's the trade off. :)

I wish our stores would double and do the in store promo things like $5 off your next order.

Enjoy your stockpile!

Anonymous said...

I find the picture of the new purchases exciting and awesome. To think most of us spend the higher amount thinking we have to. I expect the grocery stores are putting a stake out for you and Kristena. I know she puts together care packages for the womens shelter with the free items she gets and I know you are planning to do the same so good use of your time and resources. I will be down next week to shop at your house do I need to bring my own bag?

Love ya

Anonymous said...

You are the Woman!! Will you shop for me? I just can't believe how you good you are!! You could start a business of shopping for people!! That would be cool!! I would be your first customer!! :)
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Great work.