Wednesday, December 20, 2006


So it is almost here and maybe, just maybe, Santa got a little carried away this year. I told myself a dozen times that Santa doesn't make what grandpa Santa makes but I didn't let that stop me. I blame it all on Amazon. I am addicted. There are probably support groups for people like me who find Amazon...start shopping....and can't stop. And the worst part or the best part (depending on who you are) they gave me this FREE credit card. It is so easy to spend on a credit card the first time...before you get the bill. Did I mention that Wayne is working 30 hours of overtime this week and almost 40 next. He hasn't said it is to bail me out of this debt hole that I created but I know that is what he is thinking. All of that to is going to be a great Christmas in every sense of the worldly view of Christmas. Lots and Lots of presents. I did figure out why parents tell their children about Santa not being real. The other day I spent a good hour convincing Sam that he would get more from Santa than the 2 things that he put on his list. He was sure that Santa wouldn't know what he liked and because his list was so short, he would only get those ideas and he was devestated. It was at this point that I felt like yelling...I AM SANTA...I KNOW WHAT YOU LIKE....YOU WILL GET MORE THAN 2 THINGS...AND YOU WILL HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS!...but I didn't. So as this wonderful season comes and soon passes...I have nothing to reflect on except the future of bills and disconnected utilities....hopefully SANTA bought him a flashlight. We are going to be starting a new tradition this year...Christmas at Mom's. Well...maybe I shouldn't set it in stone as a tradition until we see how this year goes. I know we are all excited. I am more so this year because Samuel seems to be really excited. In order to keep this short, I will say...Merry Christmas and will post next week some pictures.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Running behind...

I seem to be running behind on the whole Christmas season. I haven't sent out cards with our nice picture on it nor have I decorated one thing in my entire house. Don't think that our house has not been decorated, it has, by my husband. He hung Christmas lights around the house, put up the Christmas tree and decorated it better than I have (don't tell him that), and he put out christmas"y" stuff on shelves and anywhere he can find to put things. It is beginning to look like Christmas around here. I have a good excuse this time for not helping, I have been sick. Sure he has been sick too but not AS sick as me. I have managed to do all of our Christmas shopping. I was a bit lazy about it too...I bought everything online. How did I ever shop before?!?! They make it so easy now..."Free shipping", door to door service and I get the satisfaction of getting to open each box like it is Christmas for me. The UPS guy makes a stop at our house about twice a day because Amazon ships almost everything in it's own box because each thing comes from different manufacturers. I get excited to see what we are going to get each day. I want everyone to know that I have enjoyed reading each of your blogs and watching every get excited about Christmas that I decided to join in on the fun of letting you pick what could have been a really great Christmas card. The idea of letting you all decide came to me one night as I was sleeping and thought...I know I will let you all pick between a couple of pictures. I noticed that on a few other blogs that they had the same dream as me so if they say I stole the idea's true. I tried to find photos that showed how our family is on a daily basis and not for a simple photo shoot.

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Monday, December 04, 2006

2 Weeks and no post...

Well it has been awhile since my last post and it seems that a lot has happened. I would like to say that I was so busy that I didn't have time to blog, but not true. I have been putting it off for fear no one would read. My life at this particular time is not one full of a lot of jokes and I don't want people to feel sorry for me. But today I decided...too bad. This is what is going on, read if you want.
I have been thinking a lot lately about tomorrows. I say this because my dad is a person who lives for tomorrow. Tomorrow he will get out of the one bedroom apartment that he has been living in for over 18 years and buy a house, Tomorrow he will spend more time with his family, Tomorrow he will spend his money on more than just himself, Tomorrow he will make his life right with God, Tomorrow he will live like it is his last. his tomorrows quickly fade I wonder what he is thinking. Is he thinking...if only I had a little more time, more tomorrows. Would it change anything? Would he change? Everytime I talk to him he gets teary eyed and sometimes cries, not something he ever did until he realized his tomorrows were limited. I wonder is he regretting things or is he just sad for himself. So I ponder over and over in my I living for today or am I looking at tomorrow to fix the problems in my life. Just something to think about.

In the midst of all that is going on with my dad, Wayne and I and the kids made our annual trip to Florida. We went on the coldest week of the year. It was so windy and cold that we spent most of the time inside. We did get to see the grandparents and enjoy watching them interact with our kids. With my above topic about tomorrows it makes all the times that they get to spend with my grandparents even more special for me. I loved watching as Josh and Grandma took off on her scooter when we first got there and Grandpa and Sam (best boys) taking off on grandpa's scooter. We didn't even get hugs...they just were in heaven getting to spend time with their grandkids. After that we spent ninety percent of our time with grandparents and really had a good time. We were planning our next trip before we left. We also got to visit with my brother and his family. The kids played with each other like they see each other every day. No fighting. It was amazing. I also was introduced to the stockpile (or inhouse grocery store) that my brother's wife has from all of her couponing. It is very impressive and inspiring. It made me want to come home and start shopping for freebies.

After a very long trip (don't stay at Days Inn EVER), and hours and hours of driving. We made it home and quickly fell back into our lives. This first week back has been a bit of a blur. I did make it out one day shopping with Sarah and spent a few dollars on myself (which always makes me feel better), and I shopped and shopped online for Christmas. I think I am completely done with buying for the kids. I just have a few more people on my list to buy for.

Yesterday, I got up and didn't feel like going to church so Wayne got the kids ready and was getting ready to fix breakfast when I decided...I wasn't THAT sick. I am always afraid I am going to miss something if I don't go, so I got ready and went. I am so glad that I did. This is the start of our revival at church with Evangelist Bond. He is so good. I like any pastor who can back up everything they say with scripture. Not just reading it but showing where to find it. He spoke about holiness and sanctification, things that are not talked about too much and more in holiness churches. I had the opportunity to explain what I thought santification meant while I was at the ladies retreat last month and hearing him explain it again yesterday made me feel better that the explanation that I gave was accurate. Backing up my belief that God will change you as you grow in your faith. You won't always be wanting to do the things that may not be pleasing to God if you have made the commitment. That we become children of God so we will start to model what our Father does. I know that almost every boy or girl has wanted at sometime to make their daddy proud. If we viewed our relationship with God in that same light we would go out of our way to show God that we are his children and that he has a lot to be proud of. He spoke about the guilt of your past will not haunt you because God is not a God of guilt. If you give into guilty thoughts it is Satan working on you and tempting you and harassing you not God. It was a powerful and insightful thought that I had not really heard before. I love learning new things. So my weeks have ended on a good note. I feel more at peace about what I need to do in my life today...not tomorrow. more thing... I got the family pictures taken yesterday... here is my favorite.