Friday, June 30, 2006

It must be working...

So...I as you know, I have been tanning and I think it might just be working. I only know this because I noticed the half circle tan lines on my biceps were getting more white. If you are wondering what I am talking about, imagine me laying in a tanning bed and letting my "stuff" fall where it may. I decided that if I were to use the stand up tanning bed, I would look like a zebra across my stomach from letting things lay where they want. SORRY...TMI I know. Anyway...I also think that weight watchers is finally paying off. Samuel told me 2 days ago "Mom, I think you are losing are getting shorter" Kids say the darnest things. more thing...fat only looks better tan if you are not in a white outfit. My mom and I went to the chinese restaurant last night and this rather enourmous woman walked in wearing a white running suit. Now I am not sure which was funnier to me...the fact that she shouldn't be wearing white or the fact that it was a running suit and it was obvious that she had not been running in a while. Now you may think we were being insensitive but we have a free pass to make fun of people who are big because we are big. The reason that I know this is because there where two smaller ladies sitting across from us at the restaurant who found the same thing funny but they were scared to laugh...that was until they saw a big person like me laughing. It was like giving them a free pass to laugh also. It is that whole minority thing...if you are black you can make black jokes. If you are fat, you are allowed to make fat jokes. If you fat and black...WATCH OUT, you will be down right hilarious.

Have a good day. Tomorrow...TOM.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The demand of One...

So since I have had a least one person ask for a new post...I thought I would try. I have been trying to think of a topic for my new post for a couple of days but nothing has struck me as blog worthy. I am thinking I am going to have to have another party at my house so I can gather some blog material. It is weird that since I decided to blog everyone is afraid to share things for fear that they will be blogged about.

So when all else about the kids. Today we took Samuel to gymnastics. We have finally found his sport. He had taken gymnastics once before but I thought he should try basketball, soccer, and t-ball. When I told him that we might be going back to gymnastics...he expressed that he didn't understand why I had put him in all those other things because he never liked any of them and that gymnastics is all that he wanted to do. He is really good at it too. Unfortnately for me the more that he participates the higher the price is for him to do it. If he continues the price for 10 weeks at age 6 will be over $250. So I am saving now. I have decided to include a few pictures of Samuel at t-ball, he looked good in the uniform...that was about it. He hated every minute of it and wasn't afraid to tell me.

Ever wonder if your kids will turn out like you? Well mine are well on their way. Wayne had asked Samuel to pick up his toys out of the living room and he already had both hands full and he looked at his dad and said "Does it look like I have 3 arms?.....NO" and he walked to his room to unload and came back. We were too busy laughing to disipline. I have been TOLD that I was a bit like that as a child. I don't remember. And just like me and my brothers...yes I have 2 brothers, John and Tom (Tom doesn't like for us to talk about him so I am thinking that the next blog I may just dedicate to Tom), ANYWAY! Me and my brothers loved going to grandma and grandpa's house. My kids can't get enough. Samuel stays over there any chance he can get. I think it stems from the fact that he thinks that just maybe he can convince grammy to take him to the toy store. (it doesn't take much convincing!) Joshua also has found his love for the old people (I say that with much love). Every time we go down their street he screams out PAPA...GRAMMY! If we don't stop, the screaming turns to crying. They are the best grandparents known to man. Now this is my grandparents and their great grandparents I am referring to. My grandma once said...I wish I had grandkids...TO ME...HER GRANDDAUGHTER! They are truely the reason that my kids are the little adults that they are. I would love to take credit for the fact that Sam is starting kindergarten this year at barely 5 but I think it was the constant attention that his grandparents gave him when they watched him when I worked.
So...Joshua is I think gaining weight. He has been eating great but he seems to have more energy so I am not sure if the weight will stay on. He is a hoot! I don't even have a way to tell you how funny he is. His expressions are not something I can express in words and since he is still not talking in sentences I can't tell you anything cute that he has said. I hope this fulfills my blogging for a couple of days. I am sure I will have something to talk about by then.
Samuel's new spike do!

PS...I have noticed on my site meter that someone from Illinois is reading...Comment so I know who you are. Just curious!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Update on Josh:
I took him to the doctor today at Children's. I would like to say that we never have to go back but we do. They said he only gained 1/2 pound in the 2 months since we were there last. I explained that he had been sick and I was sure that this was why he was not gaining. I tried to defend myself to the nutritionist that came in that I am really sharing all of the food with my kids and not eating it myself but I could tell what that little skinny thing was thinking..."SHARE THE FOOD" Well...maybe I am overly sensitive due to the fact that I do at times catch myself sneaking fries from their plates. I would like to tell everyone that this time at Weight Watchers has really made a difference but I have only kept off .6 pounds. NOTICE THE POINT in 4 weeks or so of going. I think it is from the fact that the first time I was weighed I forgot to pee first and now I am just maintaining what was already there. I was hoping that after all the hard work I would be down to a slim 145 lb by Sam's birthday......Oops...I had to take a moment and laugh. ANYWAY!....back to Josh (boy I wished I had little of his problem), he is not liking food most days. He doesn't really show any interest. He may take a bite or two for breakfast and not eat the rest of the day. So the doctor wants to see us again in 2 months. He said if he doesn't gain this time we might have to go down in his stomach with a scope. I will most likely not be present for that test. I had that done and I think I made one of the nurses throw up because I was gagging so much. So Wayne will have to handle that test. Let's just pray he gets his appetite and starts gaining before these 2 months are up. So...that is it. They said to continue to do what I had been doing. Great...that is working SO well. So pray for me that I will have the patience to do what I need to do for him. This is it for the night.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

So...I have always said that fat looks better tan. I know a strange way to start a blog but here I go. So I have decided to tan the fat! I have been going to the tanning bed now 2 weeks...I am a little tanner but today I GOT BURNT. Now burnt red doesn't make fat look better, it makes people look directly at you as if you had a neon sign hanging on your back. I am afraid to scratch my back for fear the tears will start rolling. I am sure this too will pass. But it does help cover the bruises that I received from my recent flop on the ground from the ladder (or latter if your my mom).
Wayne is still on medical leave and I am not sure what has gotten in to him but I am beginning to think that I need to go back to work and let him manage the house because he has been on a cleaning spree. He has done laundry the last two days (folded too), he has done dishes more than once and PUT THEM AWAY! I mean I could get used to this. I think he is bored and I am sure that once he returns to work he will expect the same from me. (GOOD LUCK!). This week has also been VBS at our church and I am one of the crew leaders. We had 219 kids today show up and they raised $219. It is amazing to me to see this many kids all crammed in the sanctuary. God has been really working in our church and you can tell by the number of people that have been coming.
Tomorrow I take Joshua for a follow up appointment at Childrens since he has not been gaining weight. He has actually been doing so much better. I get so excited when he eats that I am afraid that if he ever gets his appetite he will expect praise everytime he eats. He is such a great kid. He is my comedian and I don't go through a day that I don't find him, knee slapping funny. And the best part, his best friend is his brother Nannel (Samuel). He adores him but doesn't like it when Samuel adores him back. And Samuel, he is what seems like 12 or 13. He talks like he should be in jr high. I tell him every night he is my best friend and he quietly lays his head on me and says...Thanks mom. It melts my heart.

Well...enough for tonight. I will try to post tomorrow about Josh's appt.

PS. Brenda I just want you to know that it was all Sarah that fed your dog the cookie. But Sorry...can we please come back over or are we banned for life from your house (LOL).

Thursday, June 15, 2006

My sign hasn't made it to me yet and it was no more obvious than tonight that I needed to wear it. I decide to help Wayne get some work around the house done since he can't and so I climbed the ladder to clean out the gutters. I was going a long just great, when I noticed a slight bend in the one leg of the aluminum ladder. I climbed to the top and down I came. I am sure it was graceful as I slid my face along the grass. I laid there for a second...the only thing I could think of was...THAT WAS STUPID. I mean I am sure I exceeded the weight limit for aluminum. I mean no one this big stands on a pop can and expects it to hold them so why I thought I could climb 6 feet in the air on it, I have no idea. Needless to say...I am fine. I finished working on the backyard and played in the sprinkler with Sam. I only have a small cut on my finger to show for my fall, but this only happened a couple of hours ago, ask me tomorrow...I may be hurting a little more by then.
I have had a lot of requests to my to update my blog and many wondering if they will make it in the blog. So I tell them stories I was GOING to put in the blog and then I don't feel like including them because they lose the humor if I tell them more than once. But here are a few.

On Friday night after Wayne's surgery, I did what any other wife would do after their husbands gets home...I left. I went to a Point of Grace Concert in Columbus. I rode there and arrived there...only BY THE GRACE OF GOD! I rode with a person who I feared was driving "high on life" or "Drunk on Jesus juice" or something. I have since been told that until recently she would only right turns into traffic so that she didn't have to cross over in front of cars. This information would have came in handy BEFORE we decided who was driving. The first clue should have came as to how the trip was going to go when she mowed down the reflector at the end of our driveway. The fact that I was the front passenger in a minivan, that has no front end, and we were traveling 60 mph until about 50 feet from the stopped cars and then the brakes would be hit and I felt like I could touch the trunk in front of us, didn't help my peace of mind. AND that was just the trip down. On the way back as we are leaving the concert she mentioned she didn't think the brakes were working right...GREAT I thought I am going to sitting in back seat of someone's car as we rear end them on the way home. BUT WE HAD A GREAT really we did. The concert was great and I couldn't get over the fact that Point of Grace looked so old but they were good. Thanks to the girls that went with me. And sorry to that driver who will probably read this. (Actually I told her I was going to write about it).

My next little entry has to be about one of my dear friends who decided to play a little prank on me as I was standing in her living room. I had my knees locked looking at pictures on her TV stand when she came up behind me and tried to buckle my most people remain standing it just makes them off balance. NOT ME. I went down like a ton of bricks on the floor. Now you would think that she would ask if I was OK...she may have but I couldn't tell over her laughing. WELL...TODAY WAS PAYBACK. I didn't even have to do anything. We were all over at a playdate when this hilarious friend got up to get on of her kids as they fell outside and BAM!!! she ran right into the screen door. Love ya, Sarah!

I have made some realization about this blogging. As much as I would like for it to be a outlet for all of my thoughts and problems, a person just can't write about it all without making someone mad. So if I don't write for a few days it is because I am trying to sort out everything going on in my life at that moment and decide what is blogging material and what isn't. Plus I can be a little lazy like my cousin Holly has been with her said it Holly not me.

ALSO...HI to all of you secret readers...Brenda, Beth, etc...etc. And please read some of my friends and family's blogs...see the links on the right, they are funny and some very insightful.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

So I haven't written for a couple of days but I have been busy. As many of you know, Joshua has been sick and Sunday we took him to the emergency room. He had went on a eating strike starting Friday night and by Sunday he was so weak from not getting anything in his body that he couldn't even stand by himself so I decide to take him to the ER. The only thing nice I can say about the visit is that they did get some IV fluid in him. But they also put a cath in him to get a urine sample (OUCH!), ran x-rays of his chest and put an IV in the bend of his arm for which they had to strap his arm to a board with tape so he wouldn't bend it. ARGH! Remarkably he barely cried, just wined a bit. Starting yesterday, Tuesday, he was feeling so much better but the doctor is still concerned that he is underweight and not gaining. He goes to Children's on the 21st of this month and even though I don't want anything to be wrong with him, I wish there was some treatable diagnosis so we can move on. So...that is the update on him.

Today. I helped Wayne trim a tree in our backyard. He climbed up in it about 30-40 feet up when he decided that it was TOO RISKY to go any farther. About 10 feet up I would have come to that conclusion. I actually had to quit watching when I lost him in the branches because I kept having visions of him crashing down on our shed. So we decided to do what any other redneck would do...we tied an extension cord to the branch pulled it to the ground and he climbed on a step ladder and cut it with the chainsaw. We came inside and had a shasta and ate moon pies. LOL. We go this week to get fitted for our "You're Stupid" signs. But it makes room for our poor people pool. All of this so we can get 30 more minutes of sun directly on our pool so it will heat it up. YEAH RIGHT!
Friday I have to take Wayne in for hernia surgery and we will be stuck in the house together for at least 2 weeks SO pray for me! I know that sounds bad but if you know us you know that we hardly see each other because he is always working and I don't know how I am going to handle him being around ALL THE TIME! Maybe this will be a good thing for us. He is a really great man and I would happily marry him again tomorrow (but he has to come debt free, hee hee). I know I don't talk about him a whole lot because I can be really sarcastic and I don't want it to come across wrong. We have a great life together and two wonderful and perfect kids and he has been a great husband and father. Sometimes I don't say it enough about how much I love him because I have this tough independent exterior I need to maintain. Here is a picture of my lovely husband.

JUST KIDDING!!! (Here is our lovely family)

Saturday, June 03, 2006

I have earned a Silver star this week in my mommy crown. I am a stay at home mom with 2 kids and most days things go pretty easy, but not this week. I have had a sick kid. Now I know all of you other moms are what, don't we all at sometime. BUT wait. I spent all of Wednesday night cleaning my furniture and floors while carrying or holding up a child. The first incident happened in the play room as Samuel and I were cleaning. I was working my way towards the toy box when Joshua, who was standing in a large pile of toys, started crying like he had stepped on something. Both Samuel and I asked him what was wrong...when Sam asked the second time, UP IT CAME. All over the toy box, luckily not in, but all over the toys on the floor, all over Samuel and well...just all over. All Sam said was..."I didn't need to see that!" I had to get all of the toys in the bath tub, scrub what could be scrubbed and I trashed a few, don't tell the kids. Then I scrubbed the floor. We all headed in the living room where I decided to call my mom to tell her my ordeal. As I was talking...UP IT CAME AGAIN!! I quickly hung up and stripped down Josh and myself (who got it this time) and cleaned the new pergo floors and cleaned the new leather furniture off with the special cleaning product it came with. (I tell you that because it was quite a long process and I want you to know this was not a quick clean up). So I decided maybe he needs some tea to settle his stomach so we went to the kitchen. As I prepared the tea...UP IT CAME! I mean he doesn't eat much so I don't know where it all came from. Luckily it was right beside the sink so I took the hose and doused it with water, added some soap and began to scrub as Joshua laid with his head on the floor next to me. So I am sure that the tea will settle his stomach and I take him back into the living room with tea in hand. He loved the tea and was drinking, WHEN IT CAME UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO...I gained 1.8 pounds at Weight Watchers this week. I think it was from the weight of my new silver star. I know you all wanted to hear about my puking kid but I told you that so that you can pray for my little man, he has been sick most of his little life. He has been tested for everything from Cerebral Palsy to Cystic Fibrosis and we have been trying for almost a month now to get him to gain weight. When I took him to the doctor on Thursday he is a 1/2 pound LESS than he was the last visit. Today he has been very serious and lazy and very clingy (is that a word?). Anyway...Please pray that he gets better soon and gets back to his little rotten self.