Tuesday, June 20, 2006

So...I have always said that fat looks better tan. I know a strange way to start a blog but here I go. So I have decided to tan the fat! I have been going to the tanning bed now 2 weeks...I am a little tanner but today I GOT BURNT. Now burnt red doesn't make fat look better, it makes people look directly at you as if you had a neon sign hanging on your back. I am afraid to scratch my back for fear the tears will start rolling. I am sure this too will pass. But it does help cover the bruises that I received from my recent flop on the ground from the ladder (or latter if your my mom).
Wayne is still on medical leave and I am not sure what has gotten in to him but I am beginning to think that I need to go back to work and let him manage the house because he has been on a cleaning spree. He has done laundry the last two days (folded too), he has done dishes more than once and PUT THEM AWAY! I mean I could get used to this. I think he is bored and I am sure that once he returns to work he will expect the same from me. (GOOD LUCK!). This week has also been VBS at our church and I am one of the crew leaders. We had 219 kids today show up and they raised $219. It is amazing to me to see this many kids all crammed in the sanctuary. God has been really working in our church and you can tell by the number of people that have been coming.
Tomorrow I take Joshua for a follow up appointment at Childrens since he has not been gaining weight. He has actually been doing so much better. I get so excited when he eats that I am afraid that if he ever gets his appetite he will expect praise everytime he eats. He is such a great kid. He is my comedian and I don't go through a day that I don't find him, knee slapping funny. And the best part, his best friend is his brother Nannel (Samuel). He adores him but doesn't like it when Samuel adores him back. And Samuel, he is what seems like 12 or 13. He talks like he should be in jr high. I tell him every night he is my best friend and he quietly lays his head on me and says...Thanks mom. It melts my heart.

Well...enough for tonight. I will try to post tomorrow about Josh's appt.

PS. Brenda I just want you to know that it was all Sarah that fed your dog the cookie. But Sorry...can we please come back over or are we banned for life from your house (LOL).


Sarah said...

you're a dork...but I guess that's why I like you so much....can I tan my fat too?? Hey, is your face hot?? :)
Bible school is fun and it's fun to watch the kids get so excited...but it's just not the same without you in my group to hit jokes off of each other.
Good luck with Josh's appointment....just tell them your friend likes to share germs...and that's why he isn't gaining weight....but we do love him..and Samuel too! (can we come to the boy only party??)
And thanks for ratting me out to Brenda...now she'll never talk to me! How was I supposed to know that dogs are allergic...we are petphobic!

Anonymous said...

The tan is looking good just might want to not bake as long the next time.
You are knee slapping funny and you were bound to get one child that would pick up that trait. Samuel is a old soul, very serious and I think embarrassed to laugh or give in to having a good time. So I am with you inside he is having a lot of fun, it just won't come out.
Wayne is handy like a pocket on a shirt isn't that what Grandam always said? It is good he will do those things.
Talk at you later


Anonymous said...

Yes, you all can still come back to my house. JUST DON'T TRY TO KILL MY DOGGY WITH CHOCOLATE!!! If you do, I'll make you come scrape the dog poo off my carpet!
By the way, nice going pointing out your mom's spelling mistake! ;)