Saturday, June 03, 2006

I have earned a Silver star this week in my mommy crown. I am a stay at home mom with 2 kids and most days things go pretty easy, but not this week. I have had a sick kid. Now I know all of you other moms are what, don't we all at sometime. BUT wait. I spent all of Wednesday night cleaning my furniture and floors while carrying or holding up a child. The first incident happened in the play room as Samuel and I were cleaning. I was working my way towards the toy box when Joshua, who was standing in a large pile of toys, started crying like he had stepped on something. Both Samuel and I asked him what was wrong...when Sam asked the second time, UP IT CAME. All over the toy box, luckily not in, but all over the toys on the floor, all over Samuel and well...just all over. All Sam said was..."I didn't need to see that!" I had to get all of the toys in the bath tub, scrub what could be scrubbed and I trashed a few, don't tell the kids. Then I scrubbed the floor. We all headed in the living room where I decided to call my mom to tell her my ordeal. As I was talking...UP IT CAME AGAIN!! I quickly hung up and stripped down Josh and myself (who got it this time) and cleaned the new pergo floors and cleaned the new leather furniture off with the special cleaning product it came with. (I tell you that because it was quite a long process and I want you to know this was not a quick clean up). So I decided maybe he needs some tea to settle his stomach so we went to the kitchen. As I prepared the tea...UP IT CAME! I mean he doesn't eat much so I don't know where it all came from. Luckily it was right beside the sink so I took the hose and doused it with water, added some soap and began to scrub as Joshua laid with his head on the floor next to me. So I am sure that the tea will settle his stomach and I take him back into the living room with tea in hand. He loved the tea and was drinking, WHEN IT CAME UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO...I gained 1.8 pounds at Weight Watchers this week. I think it was from the weight of my new silver star. I know you all wanted to hear about my puking kid but I told you that so that you can pray for my little man, he has been sick most of his little life. He has been tested for everything from Cerebral Palsy to Cystic Fibrosis and we have been trying for almost a month now to get him to gain weight. When I took him to the doctor on Thursday he is a 1/2 pound LESS than he was the last visit. Today he has been very serious and lazy and very clingy (is that a word?). Anyway...Please pray that he gets better soon and gets back to his little rotten self.


Anonymous said...

You did well by gaining from the weight of the star or it could be the jewel encrusted crown that you wear on days like that.

He is my sweetheart and so frail that you want to grab a doctor and say this is not normal fix it but there is a greater physician that can heal and answer prayer.

His trip to the emergency room today hasn't helped. Give the big guy a hug from Mop. And always call if you need help.

Love you

Jason Grate- Ordinary Extraordinary- Simple Stories of Lessons learned said...

AWW... Kim, I feel ya girl! I used to be so scared of puke 'til Zeke came along and turned it into a daily occurence. I'll be praying for him and you! Keep us updated.

Sarah said...

I'm sorry your little man is sick! And if you don't ever want us to come over again...I understand. We are the ones who usually bring the sickness, I don't know why. It's not on purpose. He's in our prayers! We love Joshua...who wouldn't. He's got to get back to his rotten self....if anything just to make you laugh again!
Take care,