Wednesday, May 24, 2006

It's over and America can go back to watching reruns of Friends. Taylor Hicks won. I am not happy but I didn't think Katherine deserved to win either.

I also wanted to update everyone on my mom. She is out of ICU, out of the hospital and back to work in record time. Now if I was her I would have milked it a little longer than a week. The BP seems to be down slightly since getting out and getting better with the new cocktail of medicines so thank you to all that prayed for her speedy recovery. WE LOVE YOU MOM!

I wasn't sure what to write about tonight so I read though my relative's blogs to get inspiration. I will start with my brother's blog. I am so shocked it has been a whole school year since you have been gone. I think time definitely speeds up each year. I am NOT looking forward to next May when I will be going though the same experience with Sam, it just doesn't seem right. I took him for his Kindergarten screening hoping that they would say he was a genius but at the same time hoping that they would say he needs another year of preschool. What I wasn't prepared for was that they thought he was as smart as I thought he was. I mean most people when I say he is smart they just nod their head and think to themselves...BOY she likes to brag. They are right, I mean doesn't everyone think they have the smartest and most wonderful kids. Since the screening I have had a few worries as to his listening skills but I am assured by my friends it is normal for a 4 year old. Here is a good example. We were getting ready to go out to lunch and he was completely ready to go except for his shoes. I told him to get his shoes out of the closet. He takes off and comes back with a pair of pants from his drawer. Confusion...when I asked what he was doing he said, I thought you told me to get pants from my room. I know you are thinking...they sound alot alike. Whatever. I will just pray that he can follow in his cousin's footsteps and be as happy and proud as she looked at her graduation. CONGRATS Kaitlyn. I am proud of you, John and Kristena, for being such awesome parents and for taking the time to make her day so special.
On to my cousin Kelley's site...Wow... I too have been putting a lot of thought into where I should be spiritually and seeking out what I should be doing. I have to praise God for answering prayers. Wayne is going to be on medical leave starting June 9th for what could be 6 weeks for hernia surgery and we were a bit worried about finances during that time but GOD will provide. This week we have gotten word we will at least have two weeks covered completely because of some money we didn't know we would be getting. It really does pay to pay God first. For the first time in my life I have been tithing faithfully for the last year and it has been coming back to us in so many ways. We love our church and our pastor. I mean anyone who has known me in the past would be shocked to hear me say that. I have always been a skeptic. I never liked church because I felt that people never lived what they preached. I feel like we have found a church and a group of believers that live the way they say they live and are bold enough to say it. I think too many times we are afraid to be bold in public with our beliefs for fear we might offend. (I personally have never had this issue, I just lacked the approach). We need to stand up and defend prayer in every spectrum and make sure that the word GOD is never removed from our money or anything else. I am working on my witness and trying to make sure that I change my life to reflect that of someone who wouldn't mind if Jesus himself were right there sitting next to me every moment. OK...I better stop for now because I might just preach a whole sermon, it runs in the family.
I will write more tomorrow about Holly's blog but I have to go to bed. I have about worn off the "ce" on my backspace button because I keep misspelling words. Have a good night. Here are some pictures of the kids...Sam is 4 and Josh is wild and 2.


Anonymous said...

I sit here at 11:39 thinking how did my daughter become so grown up and develop into a wonderful mother and wife. Your choices and ability to work through the crisis of life have made me very proud.

Great Grandpa always said you can't out give GOD. Right now you needed to see that as you look ahead.

I love you and am working hard to stay focused on the diet and take the medicine prescribed. Although I could eat a big foot long coney and drink a cherry shake with little prompting. So I really need prayer to stay on track.

Love all the grandchildren, wasn't Kaitlyn adorable in the blue and her coursage? Just think next year you will be attending a special event like that....

Love you mom

Kelley said...

I'm so proud of who you are. You're an awesome woman, mother, and wife. It's so cool to see the amazing things God is doing in your life. Love you!

Big John said...

Good job sis! The kids look great and as you are seeing the grow up way to fast. Everything will workout during Wayne's time off God has always made sure we are taken care of. If not maybe mom can move in and see can pitch in : )

Anonymous said...

just like you john they would really rather live in a shelter than have me be a house guest for more than one night.

you all make fun of the way I breathe which is just a way to release those built up gases that could make a person implode. you all are afraid I will wear my favorite gown to bed, and the one real kicker is you think I am bossy, I have no idea why you think that, so the next time could you post earlier in the evening, and check your work and and and,,,,,

love ya all

Jason Grate- Ordinary Extraordinary- Simple Stories of Lessons learned said...

Kim, you are just a really cool person. I'm glad to call you family and friend. The pics of the boys are totally adorable. What little dolls!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning my little Kimmy!

I had to go back and reread your bolog a couple of times! You make my heart smile!!! I am so proud of you and the woman you have become. I remember the early days at college. I had every confidence in you and prayed daily that you would have that same confidence in yourself. You are awesome chick and I can't wait to see how the next chapter in your life unfolds!

All my love,