Wednesday, May 10, 2006

GASP!!!! I just heard those American Idol fans gasp as Chris was voted off. I actually think I heard my cousin Kelley in Indiana yell "WHAT!". I guess you must not have called in enough to keep your favorites. I personally am not that big of a fan of American Idol. I have continued to watch so I can see Taylor Hicks fall off of the stage because he is watching the camera more than where he is stepping. I mean if the camera moves he follows it so bad that I am afraid that next week we may see him with a neck brace. I am a much bigger fan of the Amazing Race. GO Tyler and BJ. I like them because they are total goofballs and they are not trying as hard to win like the other people who have stooped to yelling at their partners or cursing at them.
BUT before I go any farther in my blog I must pause to say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOHN! My brother is I think 39 this year. Ok he is only 34 but with the grey in his hair he looks closer to 40 or 50. He was blessed with my dad's grey hair. Don't worry I got "blessed" with a few things too. Thanks to those of you who passed down the "COBB butt" and the unintentional and almost always embarrassing gasping for air for no reason. I think we forget to breathe. I will not go any farther with what I got "blessed" with for fear I will offend someone.

So today was the last day of preschool for Samuel. Next year he starts kindergarten, this has been a little hard for me. He seems old enough but at the same time not. (Does that make any sense?). Today has been partically hard for him, for some reason he has been sad all day, he is sad that he doesn't have any more school and that he will "never" get to see his friends again. Tonight as I was tucking him in for the night he broke out bawling and telling me that he really misses his great great grammy. (she died in 2004). This is not the first time I have had to explain that everyone dies and then they get to go to heaven and play checkers with Jesus. He is much better now but boy that is a hard one to tell to a four year old.

Last night was his first T-ball game and I was going to include pictures of this glorious event but I have misplaced my USB cord. It is so interesting watching T-ball. It is totally chaos. I can't really watch because I can't stand to watch my kid play first base and either sit on the base (which according to Kelley's blog, it is OK to sit) or turn his back every time to see what the coach is saying "CATCH THE BALL" as it hits him. And you would think it easy to hit a ball off a T but no I think there quite a few that swung 3 or 4 times before actually making contact. Samuel will be a great bunter. They don't expect the ball to just trickle off the T. I don't really know why he performs like that in front of the other team because at home on our T he can hit it at least 50 feet. I think their T must be broke.

I know you are thinking...SHUT UP. But I can't I mean I don't get much adult conversation and even though not everyone who reads comments on my blog, I feel like I am making contact with adults (well some of you). Thanks for listening to me ramble on. More tomorrow and I promise that I will write about those 2 things I promised to write about in my first blog. Talk to you soon, have a good night.
BTW...Spell checker does not work on this site. And the prayers reached Brenda's dad who was in a car wreck, he is doing well but will be in recovery for awhile with a broken pelvis.


Anonymous said...

I watched American Idol and boy was I shocked!! I could not believe it and I think Chris was in shock too!! He just stood there and looked like he could not believe it!! It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Love ya,

Kelley said...

You most certainly did hear my gasp! I was floored! America got it so wrong. I laughed my butt off about your Taylor comments. You are so right. I never thought of it before, but that's exactly what he does. The family "curses" tickled me too as we share that "COBB" butt. See ya!

Anonymous said...

Well too many comments about the cobb butt. I hope that you also have a happy mother's day. And I read your blog everyday even if I don't have time to post. Give the kids and Wayne a hug from Uncle John.

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