Wednesday, December 20, 2006


So it is almost here and maybe, just maybe, Santa got a little carried away this year. I told myself a dozen times that Santa doesn't make what grandpa Santa makes but I didn't let that stop me. I blame it all on Amazon. I am addicted. There are probably support groups for people like me who find Amazon...start shopping....and can't stop. And the worst part or the best part (depending on who you are) they gave me this FREE credit card. It is so easy to spend on a credit card the first time...before you get the bill. Did I mention that Wayne is working 30 hours of overtime this week and almost 40 next. He hasn't said it is to bail me out of this debt hole that I created but I know that is what he is thinking. All of that to is going to be a great Christmas in every sense of the worldly view of Christmas. Lots and Lots of presents. I did figure out why parents tell their children about Santa not being real. The other day I spent a good hour convincing Sam that he would get more from Santa than the 2 things that he put on his list. He was sure that Santa wouldn't know what he liked and because his list was so short, he would only get those ideas and he was devestated. It was at this point that I felt like yelling...I AM SANTA...I KNOW WHAT YOU LIKE....YOU WILL GET MORE THAN 2 THINGS...AND YOU WILL HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS!...but I didn't. So as this wonderful season comes and soon passes...I have nothing to reflect on except the future of bills and disconnected utilities....hopefully SANTA bought him a flashlight. We are going to be starting a new tradition this year...Christmas at Mom's. Well...maybe I shouldn't set it in stone as a tradition until we see how this year goes. I know we are all excited. I am more so this year because Samuel seems to be really excited. In order to keep this short, I will say...Merry Christmas and will post next week some pictures.


Big John said...

I am glad that everyone was together at Christmas. You are a great sister and are always there to make me smile! I appreciate you alot.

Anon said...


funny story