Sunday, April 08, 2007

Just had to share...

We got Samuel's school pictures and as you can see he looks a bit older than 5. He is growing up so fast. I knew it was going to happen but it hit me this week as I watched as he braved getting his tonsils out with the bravery that not even some adults have. He said he had to be brave for Josh, who also had tonsils out the same day. He was very understanding of the process and told us many times that he didn't like the medicine that he had to take for pain but that he knew it would feel better if he did. He is so amazing! So as I said...the whole tonsil thing went well and I would do it the same way if we could go back and do it again. They were such troopers and they really took care of each other. The worse part was having them here together with me for 2 whole weeks! Once they started feeling better they were bouncing ideas off of each other on what they could get into. These last two weeks have been a constant 2 weeks of hearing Joshua talk, and talk, and talk. I prayed he would talk but maybe I should have set a limit on the amount of talking. He talks continuously as my mom can attest for. He barely breathes in between sentences and to make matters worse...most of it I can't understand so then he screams it to me, which only makes understanding it more difficult. If I am not focusing right on what he is saying he has a tendency to grab both sides of my face and make me look at him and he says "I talkin to you mom".
I have to throw a picture of Josh in here...his rottenness is covered with a smile....DON'T be deceived!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh My, what handsome boys!! Sam looks like a little banker!! They are both dolls. I have laughed and laughed over your mom's blog about Josh telling Sam that there were snakes under his bed. He is such a stinker! You wonder where they come up with these things. Enjoy them while you can, they do grow up way too fast!!
Love ya,

Kelley said...

Too cute, Kim! I can't believe how old Sam looks! I 2nd mom's comment. That story about the snakes was hillarious. You've got your hands full! ;)

Anonymous said...

Those boys are so cute and growing so fast. I bet Sanuel is about as tall as I am. The snake story was so cute, I could just see Joshua telling Sam that. i bet Tyler will be a tease also He is so cute too. All of our Great-Grand-Children are the cutest in the world. I'm sure some would disagree. But that's OK. We Love you all, Grandma

Anonymous said...

Kim, Can I have a picture of each of these boys ? Love, Grandma