Sunday, February 25, 2007

Out of Control

So the title says it all. I feel out of control of what is happening in my life and in the life of others around me. I have watching the Buck/Grate family struggle with their lives and their many obstacles and wondered what would I do if I were them, what could you do? This week has got me thinking a lot about the power that I hold in my own life. I have realized that I don't have any control of what happens. I have been through a ton of tests this week to determine if I have something wrong with my heart and they are testing some level in my body where the word cancer and tumor has come up and it has me worried. What would I do if it were something? It doesn't seem too long ago that I was asking myself these same questions when I was going through mammogram after mammogram. I have asked these questions when I was going through the death of my father from cancer, and my other times in my life...what am "I" supposed to do about this?
So, I have decided to let God work his magic. It is funny how it takes something like this to jolt us enough to throw our hands up in the air and say...Jesus...YOU TAKE THE WHEEL...I can't do this on my own.
I know I have said this before...but sorry if this doesn't make sense...It was a bit of a rambling blog.


Anonymous said...

I think you are doing what you need to do. Let God have control. Usually when we try to fix things or direct them things get all messed up. I know lots of people are praying for you and the report from the doctor.
I am sending you an email that may be of some help I found the scriptures listed as a reference for those difficult times. I love you.


Kelley said...

I haven't read for a couple of days. I will be praying. I'm sorry to hear you're going through all this. I know what you mean though about questioning. The Buck situation has really made me do some soul searching. I love you!

Anonymous said...

Kim I haven't read my blodgs lately so I'm late commenting on your blog. I'm so proud of you, knowing that you are putting all of your worries in God's big hand, knowing that He will take care of everything and will do what is best for us and bring Glory to him. I love you. Grandma