Sunday, February 11, 2007

Pray for more...

So today's sermon was on praying and making sure it is not just a routine prayer. We have had a similar sermon earlier this year from Pastor Powell but today the sermon was preached by Brent Fox, our new youth pastor. They had a skit that I thought I would try to redo here...if possible.

This is a one man praying...he starts out...

Our Father which art in heaven...
YES, son?

Baffled the man looks around...and begins again
Our Father which art in heaven...
I said called my name.

Quit interrupting me...I am trying to pray...and this would go so much faster if I could just get through this and go to bed...this is my nightly 'shhhh'
Hallowed be thy name...
Do you know that that means?

Well...NO, I didn't write this what does it mean?
It means my name is holy and when you speak it to me I know that you know that I am holy, but continue...

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven... you mean want my will to be done. Then lets start with you...

Wait a minute Lord...I go to church, I live a good life, better than some people...
Yeah but they aren't calling on my name right let's focus on you.
You could be living a better life and doing more of my will, living as an example...right?

Right, Lord...of course you are right...aren't you always.
Give us this day our daily bread...pause...
I think you have had enough bread...but continue

I am not sure I want are picking on me...and I already know what you are going to say...
Maybe...but finish...please.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors
What about 'Amy'?

See God I knew you were going to bring her up...but you don't understand...she owes me money and I want it back and if she doesn't pay me the $3.00 she owes me...she is going to be sorry...
you can see why I can't forgive her...would you?
Yes, son I would...but you have to forgive her will make you feel better...I promise...come on, say it with me...I forgive Amy.

I forgive are right...I do feel better...
And now the anger and discord is on Amy...not you.
Ok...well I am going to finish this up Lord...this is taking a little longer than I am used to...
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil...
But have you forgotten that you need to remove yourself from places of temptation? Don't put yourself in a place where you know you can't handle...

But Lord...I don't know what you are right there is that one thing...I will work on it.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
WHEW...Glad that is over with..
Thank you son...for your to you soon.

It is so often that we pray our ritual prayers and forget the meaning behind it or forget that we are having a conversation with God. Not just reading a book or listening to a teacher talk but we are having an ongoing conversation with God.

So as we go forward and Wayne and I pray about this possible mission trip to Africa...pray that we can be open to God's will for us and that we can fulfill what we are sent there to do. I added the song "Open the eyes of my heart"...I think it is fitting right now for what we need to do...let him talk to us.


Anonymous said...

Excellent blog. I will forever watch what I am repeating and saying. It is easy to fall into the memorization of things and not from the heart.

You will know about this trip if you pray about it. Things will fall into place for you.

love you lots,

Anonymous said...

It was good as always to talk to you tonight. I read your blog and I say a big AMAN. We have to listen as well as pray. and know that God hears and answer's prayer. He will help us to forgive,I thank Him for that. Good blog, Love grandma

Anonymous said...

Great Blog and It hits me right where it hurts. I am guilty! Thanks for giving me a wake up call!!
I need to listen more and speak less!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

I teach 1st. grade SS. We had The Lord's Prayer earlier in the year. It was explained almost the same for the kids. We need to teach them what it is and use it so they will know it and learn how to really pray.


Anonymous said...

I am amazed at how well you are able to relay the message. You must be taking really good notes? Good job!
It was good for me to read this and refocus on what we heard sunday.

Anon said...

I hope the mission's trip works out for you.