Monday, August 21, 2006

1st day of Kindergarten...

Well it is official...I have a son old enough to go to school. He took off this morning on the bus with not even a goodbye. He didn't even seemed the least bit fazed by the new situation and a bit annoyed with all of the pictures. He was pretty mad that he had to wait to get on the bus...the time they said to be ready was from 8:05 till 9:00. Needless to say he was one of the last to be picked up. The picture in the middle is Samuel standing at the door counting to 60 ten times because I told him he couldn't go outside for 10 minutes. The bus trip was uneventful as well...he got tired of waiting, can you tell.

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On another note...yesterday I went with the some friends from church to the Bare Bowl, a pottery painting store. It was so much fun. I also brought along my mom so she could have a little stress reliever. I painted a large mug and several ladies painted plates and bowls. My mom painted a snowman with all the details...I did a super simple design of stripes but freehanded so they are a little crooked. AFTER I painted it the lady that works there told me I could have used masking tape so the lines would have been straight. Maybe next time. I think we all liked it so much that we are planning our next trip. We may do it while the men of the house take the youngsters to a fire least that is my plan, sound good to the rest of you? Maybe SOMEONE (Sarah) can post pictures on her blog of the trip and you can get a better idea of what I am talking about. It was definitely a time to find out who is creative and who isn't. I fall into the less creative.

So...I think I will go play with Josh and wait patiently to use my camera again as Samuel gets off the bus.


Anonymous said...

Since I'm the first one to respond to your blog, so I get a prize???
I'm glad you survived his first day of school. So far I cry on the first day every year, but the first was the worst. I cried sooo hard, off and on the whole day. It was terrible.
Anyways, I had a blast at the pottery place. I'm not creative but I had fun trying!
Love ya!

Sarah said...

you're officially a school mom. YOu may not have cried, only because you took so many pictures, as if you were to black out and forget the whole thing happened. Congratulations! You did it! you survived your first day without Sam. NOw all you have to do is survive Josh going to school and it'll be cake after that!
And thanks for painting pottery for me! I had to throw myself my own party...that way if I was disappointed I could only blame myself.

Kelley said...

Neat pictures, Kim! I'm sure it was emotional. He's getting so old. The pottery place sounds cool. I've seen a place like that in Indy but I've never been there. Maybe I'll have to get a group together and try it! ;) Love ya!

Jason Grate- Ordinary Extraordinary- Simple Stories of Lessons learned said...

Well, my day with Emmy is coming in 2 weeks. I can hardly believe it. He looks so cute with the skikey hair. I did the pottery thing before and I also fell into the less (very less...) creative group! Sure was fun, though. Enjoy your time alone with Josh!

Anonymous said...

Boy, does your pictures bring back memories! Sam looked so cute! I am sure he will be fine. I am sure you will find that you love having some free time to yourself too! The pottery place sounds like fun, but I too have very few creative juices in my body!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Seems only yesterday that he was too little to reach the peddles on his bike and now he rides tandem with his dad even with accommodationsl He is so serious you wonder what he is thinking about. The picture of him looking out the window is the best and him sitting in the driveway waiting on the bus.

Love you all and can't wait to hear about his week in school

Love mom

and PS I can't wait to see my craft complete.

Big John said...

Congrats on getting the first one off to school. It brings back a lot of memories of Kaitlyn's first day of school. Can't wait to hear how his first day went.

We love you.

Sarah said...

I see you borrowed the picture slideshow idea!! I really like you pictures! He's so funny!.....I'll try to get some pictures of my daughter going to school! That way I'll at least have evidence that she went.
take care,