Sunday, August 13, 2006


I really don't know where to start, it has been a really "long" time since I have blogged, or SO I HAVE BEEN TOLD! It is funny that in a blog world it seems like 2 weeks is a lifetime, in that short amount of time you can lose loyal readers. I may have lost loyal readers with my last seems I stepped on a few toes. I took it from the non-comments that they didn't agree with what the sermon was about and that they went to Applebees for a little after sermon drink. To that I say...have at it...but it is just not for me. I promise not to judge...for those that know me and have known me from a long time ago you know I have issues with control and that alcohol and keeping it at one drink is next to impossible for me. I suppose that if I had some sort of control and restraint in my life I would weigh 140 and I would be paying weight watchers to tell me that I weigh the same as I did 6 months ago. I was thinking the other morning as I was getting dressed and I was using the loops on the sides of my jeans to pull my jeans up over my butt and prayed they didn't break, I have made so many excuses as to why I am this big. I tell myself, it runs in the family. I would like to believe that but if you have seen my grandparents you know I can't blame it on my genes. I would like to say that I am "BIG BONED" but come on how many of us have seen CSI where they uncover a enormous bone and they immediately assume it is a "big boned" person. I have seen my x-rays and nothing looked overly large except the light shadows surrounding the bone, maybe I am just thick skinned. HA...

This weekend has not helped my membership to the "I am Kim and I am Fat" club. I went to not one but two family reunions. Lots and lots of food. On Saturday we went to the "Grate" was a blast. On our invitation thing it said "We will be there at noon and be there until whenever." We decided to get there around 2 (grandpa's decision not mine...I wanted to get there at noon). Well good thing we went with grandpa's time because we were the first to show. That is right...2 hours after all the festivities were supposed to start. We had decided that if no one else showed up we were going to build a fire, cook our hotdogs and eat without them. BUT...then they started coming...slowly but they came. I think we ended up with more than 60 people. But it was well worth the wait. I laughed and laughed...I even laughed at myself when no one else was laughing...I crack me up! I was so glad to be able to share all of my hard work on my genealogy stuff. I was glad that all of my hard work was appreciated.
On Sunday we went to the Hersman reunion. Not nearly as fun but very much on time. In fact it said it was over at 3 and boy it was it...everyone packed up and took off right at 3. This is the first time I have been there in 16 years. I had people wondering who I was. I just acted like I belonged there. Around 2:30 I finally started telling people how I was linked to the family, which is something that people at the "Grate" reunion never did...I still don't know some of the people who came to the Grate reunion...I think they were just at the park for the catfish tournament and they saw we had food so they stopped by. I was thinking that maybe Wayne and I could drive around on Sundays and look at parks for a large number of people who are eating and show up with a bucket of chicken and sit and eat with them. Sounds like fun to me. It is not like anyone is going to ask you who you are.

So that is it for tonight...I promise I will write more later. I do have a little more to share but it is more on the serious side...I PROMISE...I will not be talking about sinful tattooing or the awful playing cards not to mention what dancing can lead to......(Have you met my kids?). Sorry Wesleyan Joke.

Here is a picture of the "Grate" kids...they are the reason that we all get together every year.

Here is the Hersman clan.


Kelley said...

I enjoyed our time together! I always come away feeling like I've had a good workout from the laughter. It's good to know we all crack each other and ourselves up!

Love you!

Carolyn said...

I am surprised you didn't share the comment that Great Grandma used with you " I hope you don't get fat like your Mom" Sometimes I think we lull ourselves into thinking that "well if everyone thinks I'm fat might as well eat" No scripture to support that thinking.
I enjoyed the reunions and I think it was our winning personalities that made everyone excited we were there. And the Hersmans just thought your book on the family was your way of matching faces to pictures to make sure everyone there was legit.
The pictures posted tell the story of why we love to be together. Just look at who's missing.


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed seeing you at the reunion! It was a fun time all around with lots of laughter and good stories!!
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for our next one. Did you remember to reserve the shelter house for next year as you were leaving on Sunday? Just wondering.
Love ya,

Sarah said...

Hello's been so long! I didn't know you had a club.....I think I have one too! It's always nice to get together with family to see where you came from...and to have a lot of people that look alike all together. :)
enjoy them....not everyone is so fortunate. I'm sure I'm related to half the people in Marion...but I don't even know it. :)
take care

Anonymous said...

Hey, hey, hey... very good!! I like the complaint about the Grate reunione not starting on time. I was a little upset too!! oh yeah, it was me that was late! hey that's my email address too, I have that for a obvious reason! it was hilarious, you and your mom and kelley and well just you marion clan are the sole reason i like to go!! I love you all and you aren't fat, you are you and i love you the way you are!! that may sound bad, but i have had my times too. you are a beautiful person. so, stop it!! i will blog more soon...
love ya!!

Jason Grate- Ordinary Extraordinary- Simple Stories of Lessons learned said...

I'm laughing at you laughing at yourself... You guys just have a way with words that gets me EVERY time. I've never seen the picture of the Grate's at Fairplay chapel. WOW. What a heritage!