Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Quick Update...

So...where do I start? My dad is losing his hair. I guess I wasn't prepared for it. It made this whole thing real. I told my mom that when I went to hug him goodbye today I had about 20 or 30 strands of his hair stuck to my face. Joshua went with me and I had to brush him off after we got in the car. I thought that the hair only fell out after chemo but I guess the radiation that they did on his head must have been pretty strong. I was worried about if he was still talking to me after our associate pastor went and visited with him on Sunday but he didn't seem to mind...what a relief. Today I gave him the photo book that I have been making for him. It turned out really nice and he cried a lot while looking at it. I had an awful time looking at him today because he looks so different...with his hair falling out, his face is looking swollen and his eyes have dark circles. He still has a little sense of humor...when I asked when he noticed his hair falling out, he said...One day I got up and my hair didn't and then he laughed. He said that he is taking off one more week without any treatment because he is so weak. He isn't sure he wants to even have anymore treatment because yesterday the doctor said that the treatment isn't going to make him better...just slow down the getting worse part. I think he was still holding out hope that this would all cure itself. On other note...he is married again. This is news that I have known for awhile but we weren't allowed to share until he had told each of us. Now that we all know...I can share with the blog world. He has been with the same woman for 20 years, hard to imagine. I used to refer to her as "the thing" because she wasn't really a girlfriend and there is no common law wife anymore, so I didn't know what to call her. Plus she is only a couple of years older than my brother John so it was always a little weird for all of us. I didn't feel like I could call her the significant other because that would sound like he was living with a man and I didn't want to just refer to her as my half-brother's mom so...
But now that he is sick and she had the opportunity to walk away with no legal reason to stay...she opted to stay. Kudos to her. Now she is my step-mom...That sounds weird but it was a long time coming and I am glad for him and her.
So much for keeping this quick.
On another note...we are having a garage sale this week at my mom's to get rid of all of the things that she has accumlated in the last couple of years and around our family we keep anything that just can't be thrown is too good...or someone will get good use out of this or so and so gave this to me. I personally don't have that problem. I like to give it away so I can see if I get it back and that has happened.
We are also having a family reunion. It all started when my grandma's sister decided to come visit from Michigan (2)...and her brother decided to come and see them, up to 4 now...then his daughter decided to come who invited her other siblings to come (7 or 8 more)...then the sister in Michigan decided to invite her daughter (plus 1), then my cousins who live in town decided to have everyone over to their house (add 4 more) and then you add the mother of the cousin who is also the sister-in-law and her daughters (2 or 3 more)...THEN...the other widowed sister-in-law caught wind of this growing reunion and is bring her daughter, daughter's husband and their son (3)....This is not even including the 2 people that my aunt from Michigan came to visit in the first grandparents. And lets not forget me and my family and my mom. So...I think that is it...29...but it could be more...I am sure it will continue to grow after all it is only Wednesday. Luck for my cousin she has this new dining room that seats 15 so we will only have to double up on the seats.


Anonymous said...

The one thing that has made the bad things in life bearable has been humor. The one thing that we have always used to get through the tough times has been humor. Your dad and I had many good times in fifteen years as long as we weren't talking about money, cars and and anything else too serious. Friends we should have stayed. Every so often in the very recesses of my mind will come a quote that your dad would say in a similiar circumstance but ninety percent of the time I could never repeat it since it would have went like "well, if the ---- would have--- I would have ---- and then he would have -----." so I chuckle to myself and move on. So it is good he can still find a funny moment in becoming bald at no fault of his own.
Right now I am envisioning all of us trying to position ourselves two to a chair considering the make up of our family. ha I get the bench.
You are one special daughter that your dad and I can be proud of and if we never do one more thing in life we can say those three good looking intelligent kids take right after us. me more than him
Love you more than a million trillion dollars as Sam would say.

Anonymous said...

Kim, you are too funny!! I have laughed and laughed as each day the numbers keep getting larger and larger!! Right now I think there is a possiblity of 46 or more. I think this party will be a up close and personal one!! Oh ya, could you bring 2 gal. of sweet tea. I only have 1 gal. pitcher and will have it full. Plus a cooler of pop. Talk to you later.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

I want to come to the family reunion too!!!


Sarah said...

To you I say Hello. And I want you to know I'm here for you through all the mess that life brings with your dad and family and friends. I only wish I had a closer family to talk about. :) We've never had a crazy family reunion like that! And I must say...I would love to try your soup sometime. :)
Take care of you,