Sunday, November 05, 2006


I can't even begin to explain the weekend that I just had. This is going to be a long entry.

It was probably the most amazing thing spiritually that has happened to me since I was in jr. high church camp. I went on the Ladies' retreat for our church over in Sugarcreek Ohio this weekend and it was such wonderful experience. I have to admit that for me personally I was fun can amish country be? When I signed up I worried that I had made a mistake and I was constantly telling people that I was going to get away from the kids for a weekend...not spiritual growth. While I did get a weekend away and I missed my kids, I found something so much more. Knowledge. Friendships. More Compassion. More of God and mostly and more importantly...I found more of me. We had an absolutely wonderful speaker, Kelli Reisen that had a contagious love for God that you saw and wanted to have, she had a contagious understanding and she stood in total amazement at the love and grace of God that made you want to search and learn more and want what she had. She discussed knowing what you believe so that you can pass it on to your kids. How appropriate considering my recent conversation with Sam, see last entry on blog. She said it is like running in a relay race not a marathon....passing on the baton from generation to generation. She used 1 Peter 3:15-16 to start out the weekend.
15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16 keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.

She continued that in order to know him you need understand His characteristics:
  1. God is Love (John 3:16)
  2. God is slow to anger, he is patient, forgiving and just (Exodus 34:5-7)
  3. God is without sin and is faithful to fulfill what He has promised (Numbers 23:19)
  4. God is compassionate and merciful (James 5:11)
  5. God is powerful (Exodus 15:3-8 and Revelations 19:11-15)
  6. God is our creator (Genesis 2:7)
  7. God is Jealous (Exodus 20:4-5)
  8. God is Sovereign (Isaiah 25:8)
  9. God is Rightous (Psalms 11:7)
  10. GOD IS HOLY (Leviticus 11:44a I am the Lord, your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy.)
Who are we that he would love just mere people? He created us so that he could be friends with us, worship with us and glory in what he has created for us. What a disappointment we became to him that he felt he needed to give his OWN son to die on the cross for our sins. WOW. That he would stand by while His Son was spit on, beaten and then nailed to a cross while the people that he loved so much looked at him as a fraud. How he must feel to know that we still treat him the same way. How he must feel to know that we have compromised what we have been taught for the things of the world so as to not offend the world. We have blended in so well lately that it seems that you can't tell the Christians from the non-Christians. I am not talking outward appearance but inner convictions. He says you can come to him "just as you are" BUT that doesn't mean he wants you to stay that way...he wants to mold you and make you into a great witness for what He can do. He hasn't ever required you to do anything but to believe in Him and trust in Him, he will clean you up if he wants.
What struck me this weekend was her mentioning following God in the shadow of the cross. It got me thinking about the visual of that...if a cross is in direct sunlight (our struggles) the path becomes even more narrow but if we hold fast on the path it isn't long until the sun starts to set and the path once again becomes clearer. It is at the time where we can't see through the brightest sun that if we keep our eye on the cross it will keep us from losing tract of the path that God has for each of us. AND THINK OF THE REWARD! The reason for the title of this blog is she told us of a story of driving her car with her kids and noticing this beautiful tree and shouting out "BRAVO GOD!" If he can make what we have here on earth...heaven must be as awesome as he described in Revelations 21.

We not only had a great speaker but pure bonding with women...stepping out of our own comfort zone and letting other know us and letting them tell us about them. We stayed up talking and sharing experiences and making friendships and creating a strong group of women with the same glorify God and share our beliefs with others about Christ.

On a personal note...I would like to thank each of the 48 women who prayed over me for healing and strength during this time of waiting to find out if my biopsy will show cancer or not. I shared with Sarah and a few of the women that I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as Kelli spoke of her waiting to find out the same thing. She said that her kids had been riding in the car with her when she received a call from the doctor for an appointment to get the results and her son reached up and touched her hair and said, "Don't do the will lose your beautiful hair" I realized for the first time that this could be a possibility for me. So as I sat there crying quietly, one of the ladies who knew what I was going through simply whispered to me..."are you Ok?" I didn't have to speak, my tears did the talking for me. It wasn't long that she asked that they all pray around me for healing and comfort. By this time I was over heating and felt like if all of these women huddle around me, I may pass out. As they began huddling around me and laying their hands on me and the praying began, I had this peace wash over me...and I was not hot fact I felt almost instantly cold. It could have only meant one thing to me...God was hearing them as they prayed on my behalf. I have no doubt, that his plan for me will be carried out no matter what the results of the test tomorrow may be. Thank you again ladies for showing compassion and concern and being my prayer warriors when I couldn't say the prayer for myself.
And I didn't get to say it but thank you to the whole committee of women who put this together especially Ann Deckard (ha ha).


Anonymous said...

Who are you and what did you do with my daughter? What an amazing person you are!! You have so much to offer and God has placed you in a church of wonderful people.
I especially liked the comment you made tonight that the baton starts with you for your children and it is evident that you have already started passing it along. I love you.


Kelley said...

You are amazing. As I sat here reading with tears streaming. I needed to read this today. Thank you for sharing your heart. I will be praying for your test. I love you!

Anonymous said...

Kim, I'm thinking like your Mom, Who have you become? God has surely been working on you in a wonderful way. If we let Him, He will mold us into the person He wants us to be. What a speaker she must of been. I sat here with tears running down my cheeks while reading your blog. What a retreat you must of had. You learn that other ladies have problems and have overcome them with Gods help.And what a wonderful lady who spoke top at the retreat. And what a wonderful person who felt you needed the ladies to pray. I felt God so near while reading your blog. I can't Thank God enough that He lead you to that Church and to that group of ladies. I love and appreciate you so much. Keep passing on the torch to your kids etc. Much Love, Grandma & Grandpa ( Kiss the boys for me) We are looking forward to you coming.

Sarah said...

What an amazing weekend it was!!! And I'm so thankful I got to share the experience with you. I didn't have high hopes for this weekend, simply because some of our other women's events have been a bust. And I wanted to go with you, so you could meet some new people..not that you couldn't without is just easier with at least one person you know. I'm so thankful that all my initial thoughts were just washed away...from the ride to the hotel, the great rooms, the first night of introduction...and then to have the speaker who eventually just became second to God speaking to us all. It was amazing and I got what I needed...even more than I knew I needed. God totally met me where I was and took me in his arms.
It's Monday now...I've taken two naps...applied several layers of vaseline and chapstick to my lips and nose from all the crying. I'm not exactly sure when I recover from this weekend...hopefully never..I just want to be able to function upright. :)
Looking forward to more retreats, though!!! And you explained it well!! I felt like I was there all over again.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just went to revival service!! You are one amazing woman!! I am so happy for you and I will continue to pray for good results on your tests!! God is good!!
Love you,