Monday, November 13, 2006

"How Long?"

"How Long?" seems like a fitting title for this blog. It has been the theme of the weekend. Starting on Thursday we have been asking "How Long?" How Long will my dad be having a seizure? How long will it take for them to get it to stop? How long will it take for us to get him to Riverside? How long will it take for the doctors to tell us what is going on? How long will be he be in the hospital? How long will he need to continue with chemo and radiation if the cancer is uncureable? and today...How long will he live?
That one is the toughest for the doctors to tell us. It seems they have this well oiled way of skirting around that question. Is it a couple of months, a month, a week, or a day. So we wait. Tomorrow I have decided will only bring more questions...if he has surgery, will it help, will it kill him or will he become a vegatable? If he opts to have radiation instead of surgery, will it be worth it and is it safe with everything else going on to operate on a man who has diabetes and liver cancer. And there is NO guarantee....that is the only guarantee from the doctors. So what to do. Accept it...OF course and PRAY. Pray that he has peace about what is happening to him and Pray that his family has the strength to face this and be there for him any way we can.


Sarah said...

I have no idea what you are going through. I'm sorry all this is happening right now. I'm here if you need just have to let me know what it is. I love your kids, they are welcome here anytime for as long as you need them here. How long? As long as you need!
I'm praying for you. I'm so sorry that I can't just make this all better. I'm here for lunch, shopping, talking, listening, anything.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Dearest Kim
We have been praying and will continue to pray. I can't imagine how hard this is on you and your family. Please keep us updated and CALL day or night, whatever you need.
We love you!!!

Anonymous said...

Whatever the outcome, whatever the time, what matters now is the time you have together. Character comes from facing the hard times and using each one as a stepping stone to go to the next one. I am proud of your courage and the quick response to your dad's needs even when it meant being away from your family. Wayne needs to be commended for stepping in to help with the kids and not make you feel guilty for the time away. God will honor you for your faithfulness. I am encouraged by the support of your friends with their prayers. As always I am very proud to call you my daughter.

Love you

Anonymous said...

I can't even imagine. I will continue to pray for you all, especially your Dad. You are more than welcome to come for Christmas as long as you bring presents! :) Hope to see you over the holidays!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim, I just read your blog and I also am proud of your courage. I remember when you come down to be with Grandpa and me last year. And I also comemd Wayne for all he is doing to make it easier for you to be with your Dad. does your minister visit your dad in the Hospital? And does your dad respond to you? What wonderful friends you have. I still wish I was home for you and the children. We apreciate all your friends do for you. We love you all. Hope you can come down but if you can't we will all understand. Kiss the boys for me. Love, Grandma & Grandpa

Anonymous said...

Kim, even at my age I can't begin to understand the pain and suffering that you are going through. I am lucky that I still have both my parents and they are in pretty good shape for 83 and 81. I am praying for you and for your dad to find peace with God. We don't understand why things happen the way they do but I really feel that God is giving your dad time to make amends and to find salvation. Hang in there!!
Love ya,