Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Saved and Sanctified

This week's sermon was a much needed explanation of what it means to be sanctified with Christ. I always thought I explained it fairly well as letting God have complete control of your life...the "Jesus take the wheel" mentality but the pastor this week explained it better. Being sanctified means to "set apart" from the world. LOOK!!! this next statement sums it up...Saved is God giving himself to you completely, being sanctified is YOU giving ALL of you to God. That means every thought, every decision, everything you do is given over to him first. Each of us are born with a love of self not a love toward God. God gives us the opportunity through getting saved and sanctified to have a pure love, one that is personal and mutual between God and Man. To be saved is a process...the day that someone asked to be forgiven, there is instant forgiveness and the Holy Spirit comes and fills their soul. The holy spirit is that voice of reason in tough times, the voice of conviction that keeps us from doing what we know is wrong, the comforting presence when we need it most. Being saved does not make us perfect, we will never be perfect until we come face to face with God himself but it gets us one step closer. Being sanctified is letting God use you as his arms, his feet, and with his compassion to reach those around who don't yet know him. To be like him and to strive to be like him is to be sanctified and holy. In 1 Thessalonians 4:3 (a) it says: It is God's will that you should be sanctified:
For more on this see John 17:6 through the end of the chapter. It is Jesus praying for the disciples and for all believers.

Ok...that is what I got out of the sermon. Feel free to re-direct me if necessary...I never know if I hit the mark or I am way off. I just tell it like I hear it.

On another note...We had a wonderful weekend with family. It seemed like we spent most of the time at the grandparents' house. I am sure that they needed at least today to recover and clean up after the boys were there. We spent Saturday planning for my mom's visit at 1pm but as many of you know she tends to make a late appearance so at about 5:30 she finally showed up. I made dinner for all that night and then I stayed around after Wayne took the boys home until about 2 in the morning trying to fix my grandpa's computer. All the time waiting for the computer to update, I spent sorting coupons which was quite a feat since I had about 2 or 3 weeks worth to go through and several copies of each coupon. Anyway...I still have a few more to do. BUT...I did go on Monday morning and purchased $146 worth of groceries for $64. I would have not spent so much if I didn't have to buy the many items for homemade ice cream that are not on sale and have no coupon. Anyway...we had a great time and thanks to grandma and grandpa for opening up their home for us all to enjoy. It was so much better than having everyone at my house that doesn't have an A/C. Also thanks to grandma and mom for going shopping with me. I guess that is all...Sorry to ramble at the end there.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have it straight to me! I am so proud of the Christian woman and mother that you have become. It sounds like you all had a good family weekend too! Family is the best!! Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday!!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

You always say the correct way. I think people tend to overlook this step cause you gotta pay the dues to be santified. I enjoy hearing and reading about your revelations and the way you get excited. The explaination was clear and to the point.
I to had a good time with everyone. We ate our way out of the paper bag or grocery cart. I came home and thought I have enough stored I can go one more week before I need to think about cooking. Look forward to this weekend to laugh and enjoy another set of special people.

Love you so much and how you inspire me.


Anonymous said...

You must of enjoyed the Pastor's message so much that it was easy to put it all together on the blog, and it was so plain. I liked the part where he explained the difference in saved and sanctified. And how we recieve It. was so plain a child could understand it. We to enjoyed the weekend. And ate a lot. Thank you for doing a lot of the shopping. It was good to have you all together, but we missed John and his family. We feel so fortunate to have a wonderful family.Love, Grandma

Kelley said...

Great post, Kim! I thought it was very well written and explained. I am sad to say that I am not coming home this weekend. I have been debating, but I have to work until Monday and we are leaving at 5:30am on Wed. for the airport so I will need the weekend to start getting things ready for the trip. Leaving myself only Tuesday, just won't be enough to get it all done. I'm sure you'll all have a great time. Love ya!

Anon said...

Preach it sister!

Big John said...

Always love to read your blog and here about what's going on. Call you later this week. We love you sis!