Thursday, July 13, 2006

Another Family update

So after taking Joshua to the ER on Friday for the seizures, I took him to the doctor this week who called and made an appointment with a neurologist. We go on August 29th. The doctor thought that maybe the medicine that they had been giving him for his appetite was causing it so he took him completely off of it. We hadn't given it to him since Friday and the doctor said if the seizures occur again then it is not the medicine. So...yesterday we found out it is not the medicine because he had a little seizure in the car on the ride home from my grandparents. I can't wait until August. I looked back up Cerebral Palsy (which is the first thing they thought he might have) and it was like reading a novel about Josh. Everything on the mild side of CP is what we have dealt with. So I hope that they re-examine this as a possibility. If you have any questions go to this
Also in the midst of all of this with Joshua, I had to have my 3rd mammogram of the year. In October of last year they found something and I have had to go back every 4 months. Today I went a whole month early because I found something else and now I am a bit paranoid. Today they not only did a mammogram but they did an ultrasound. I have a doctors appointment scheduled for Tuesday to get the results. The wait is the worse! Sorry that all of my posts lately have not had the usual dose of humor but I have a lot on my mind and my sense of humor is the first thing to get pushed to the side. So as before, please pray for me and my family. Somedays I feel like this: (I still have a little bit of a sense of humor...hopefully my best friend still has hers.)

I love those girls!


Anonymous said...

I will be praying for you and your family! God will help us through any trials that we have to go endure.It is still hard but just knowing he is there to hear our prayers helps so much. Hang in there!!
Love you all,

Kelley said...

I'm praying too! I love you!

Anonymous said...

Wow You are really being hit these past months....hope I did not rub that off on you (smile)
We love you guys and as always will pray for you all.

Carolyn said...

If only we could yell and scream when we are having these problems,just let one off without worrying where we are or who is around. After they do that they go about their business and have a good time doing it. There is probably something to say about padded rooms.

I love you and remember we already know God is in control.
