Saturday, July 15, 2006


Ever wonder when you child is going to say that one thing that makes you angered and embarrassed all at the same time? Well...I have a friend who experienced this with me this weekend. We were all going to Buffalo Wild Wings and I was teasing her son as we were getting out of the car and boom...out of retaliation he says "You are Fat!" I said I know...He said "No, You are really fat!" This is the point that the mother realized what he had said. She was instantly mad and embarrassed all at the same time. I wanted to quickly say...Well...he is very observant. I mean it is like calling the kettle black as my mom would say. I found it funny but was trying to let the mother handle it the way that she wanted. I must admit it did corss my mind to say something childish like "I may be fat but..."
I was actually not offended by the honesty but wondered to myself...I wonder how long it will be before Samuel or Josh say something to someone that I will want to hide away somewhere. For story purposes, I will edit the actual word used, but I was told by a someone that they were with their child in a store somewhere where the guy in front of them was being less than polite and her daughter noticed him and her mom's expressions and loudly blurted "Mommy, Is this guy being a jerk?"
What was funny about my friends situation with me was that after the scolding by his mom, he told her "I am going to runaway!" She calmly said "It is raining" He responded..."I guess I will runaway tomorrow!" When she told him that he would miss Samuel's birthday party, he said "I will be back for that". KIDS SAY THE DARNEST THINGS! other news. I am hosting a huge 5th birthday party tomorrow for "Superman" Samuel. I think the number of kids is up to 12 but I may have forgotten to count a few. I forgot how hard this planning thing is. I think I get more excited about it than he does. I bought a pinata tonight (a pull string, VERY SAFE), I always wanted one as a kid. So wish me luck and as always lots of prayers as our house will be filled with a LOT of people. Here are the pictures that I put in his invitation.


Sarah said...

You're party was a hit!!! Sorry we didn't leave at have to not be so polite..."Will you Leave!!!"
Sam's 5! woohoo! And I have pictures..I'll get them to you, sometime.
And I understand that kids say the darndest things. We were at krogers one time with our kids and there was a short guy...I mean not miget, but close. And Jamie or Taylor observed this and said. "Hey, that little guy is getting him some noodles." I'm not sure if he heard or not, but Dave and I quickly left the aisle. Only because we could hardly contain the laughter!! :) and then of course we explained that even "little guys" like noodles too and we don't need to point it out every time. :)
So when you go out in public, it's at your own risk. Just remember that when you see someone in something you can't look at because you just might snicker too loudly....but then you remember you have your kids with you, but not soon enough to distract them before they shout something, like, "Wow, look at her mommmy"
Well, enjoy all the pleasures of being a mom....and you may be fat, but I have a big nose!!! :)

Kelley said...

I loved this post Kim because I could totally relate. Elijah and Emmy aren't shy about pointing out the obvious either. Memorial Day weekend Emmy was helping me in the kitchen. I was cleaning vegetables (which I hate but provide for everyone else). She was thrilled to see that I was cleaning Califlower. She wanted some right then while I was cleaning it. She was going on and on telling me how it was her FAVORITE vegetable and It's SSOOO good for your body. I told her that I didn't like Califlower. At that point she stopped eating, looked at me in all seriousness and stated, "Well, you'd better start eating it or you're never going to get skinny!" All I could do was laugh. I'm always talking about being on a diet, so she thought she'd give me some diet advice. I loved it though. Can't wait to see pictures of the party. It's hard to believe how fast they grow up. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE MY CHILD SAID THAT! I've tried so hard to teach them not to notice people's size, skin color, etc. Apparently I've failed!


Jason Grate- Ordinary Extraordinary- Simple Stories of Lessons learned said...

Loved this post! I'm dying laughing at Kel's comment about my less than discrete daughter. Hope all is well with your health and REALLY hope you get some answers next month with little Joshua. Love you. Holly

Anonymous said...

Of all people we know the moment of awkward. We seem to find the moment and the time to put ourselves in those postions. I think the timing is everything and he was using his timing and only way to try to combat your teasing.
The party was great and his mom and dad are really nice people it was nice to see all of you laughing and having fun together. Brings back the old days when we had couples over and cookouts. Good to see you carrying the same traditions on.

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Loved the comments! It seems like everytime the grandkids come home, Emmy asked my why I am missing a tooth. With the gap in my teeth, she thinks I have lost one. I keep telling her that is the way I was born but she just doesn't get it. Boy, I wish my mom and dad would of put braces on my teeth as a kid! :) But it is a little too late now! Maybe someday I will get false teeth and have them close together and look better! Oh well, we are what we are! Happy belated Birthday Sam!!

Anonymous said...
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