Sunday, July 09, 2006

What chair are you in?

So today we went to church and man was I glad I did. Our pastor struck a nerve with me and I felt moved to take action. Here are the highlights...He was asking what chair in life are we in...Chair number 1 consists of committment, love and priorities. Chair 2 is compromise, lukewarm, and pleasures, and finally chair number 3 was conflict, lostness, and perplexed. He was describing how each of fit into one of those. He related it to the church and how the church as a whole used to be In Love with Christ, that He was the first priority and that people were committed to the church and God. Now it seems as though most churches are sliding from chair one to chair 2 from being in love with Christ to talking about how the church of the past was on fire and how the church of the past were really committed and how the church of the past was the priority of people. The churches in chair 2 are more likely to talk about the history of the church and be lukewarm rather than being the chair #1 like we are supposed to be. Chair # 3 was not forgotten in all of this. This is the church that falls apart from conflict, lostness and are perplexed. He also talked to the parents and asked where do you think you sit? And where do you think your children sit? And where do your children think you sit? Most children are one chair below their parents so if you are sitting in chair number 2 then most likely your child is sitting in chair # 3. If we compromise our beliefs and are caught up in the pleasures of this world (that fine line), and are just lukewarm in our beliefs then our chidren are most likely going to be in conflict, lost and perplexed. If your children see you living your life from chair # 1 they are more likely to strive to be there with you. Wayne and I both took what he said very seriously and made a committment to make it a priority for our children and show them that we love our church and we love our God. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!" Joshua 24:15. Please pray for us that we can be strong examples to our children and that we can raise them up in the way that they shall go. I don't want to be responsible for letting my kids down and making it easy for them to sit in chair number 3.


Anonymous said...

I am sitting in between one and two but I want to be in chair 1. I am so proud of your choice and Wayne's. It will pay off one day when you sit back and see your children in Chair 1. I love you very much and thank God each day for the fine woman you have become and the wonderful mother to my two little boys.

They will always have the memories of both of you in church and that means everything.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim!

I love you posting this stuff on this site everyday. It's hard to believe that I haven't seen you in what .... eight years???

I needed to hear (or read???) what you said today. THANK YOU!!! May God continue to bless you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! You are a amazing mom and woman!! I am so proud of you!!
Keep strong!!
Love you all,

Kim said...

Ok...who ever wrote the second comment is going to have to sign it with their name. I think I have an idea who it is but after 8 years...I might not have it right.