Thursday, July 06, 2006

Can't Win

Do you ever feel like you can't win for trying? That is exactly how I feel about Joshua and his health. We have had him to specialist after specialist, done more tests than any kid should have to go through, currently giving him medicine for indigestion, a medicine to increase his appetite and a liquid vitamin that makes your tongue feel like you have been sucking on a fork all day, we have been told by numerous people and friends that there is nothing wrong with him yet something is not quite right. Today while we were eating he bent over in the highchair and started making this weird face and his right arm started jerking. It only lasted about a minute and then he went right back to his rotten self. So Wayne and I decided that maybe he was just being goofy but I continued to watch him. Tonight I was sharing this experience with my grandma and my mom and grandma said that yesterday at her house he did the same thing that I was describing and she wondered what it was too. Well tonight as I was eating at Bob Evans with my mom and grandma he bent over and started jerking and when I reached over and grabbed his arm, he quit. He looked blankly at me for a second and then made a funny face and laughed. After we got home he seemed to have a hard time walking, he kept tripping. So tomorrow morning I begin the task of calling the doctors and specialists to see if I can get new answers which I am sure will be followed with more tests. I get so frustrated and angry that I have a hard time not crying. I think I have spent most of tonight trying to fight back the tears. This sucks! I told my mom that I feel like people think that I am just trying to find something wrong with him but I am not. I just want to have an answer, whatever it is! Please pray for me as I start this new road to answers.


Big John said...

Little Sister,
I don't know why your little guys is being faced with all of these challenges. I wish with all that is in me that they would go away and he could have the strong body to go with that sharp little mind. He will one day. One day the right doctor will find the answer and until then we will continue to pary for you, Wayne and Josh. We love you all!

Anonymous said...

We know that Josh has had a long road as I have said from the beginning there has to be something going on to make him sick so often. We will continue to pray.....we have been down this road too and it is no fun and very worrisome. Keep on the Doctors dont let them tell you, it is your child and you know him best we will continue to pray.

love ya

Anonymous said...

I will definately say a prayer for you. Keep on the doctors no matter what, you are not a pest, it is their job!!! If you feel like crying, just let it out, it's never good to hold it in! Call me, we can cry together!
Love ya,

Kelley said...

I'm praying! Hang in there. Love you!

Sarah said...

Man, Kim, that really sucks. I'm sorry you have to keep going through all this stuff over and over again without any answers. I pray that you will get a doctor who will know what to do with little Josh. And never forget that I'm here for you, anytime, anywhere, just call. And I can share a good cry with you too...that's what I'm here for. Love ya, and I'm praying for you, josh, and the whole bunch of you's. :)

Jason Grate- Ordinary Extraordinary- Simple Stories of Lessons learned said...

I second Sarah's comment, that sucks. I too will pray you will find a doctor who understands your concerns and finds an answer. Have a good cry and know there are MANY people praying for you and for little Josh!

Anonymous said...

I sometimes wondered why we as a family had so many problems and other issues at times. I wished for the three of you more than I was ever able to provide, yet we always had enough to eat, shelter, even if it leaked, and we had each other. Those times as I look back now was a refinery. It was preparing all of us for today. It was building character, committment and a strong understanding of God's Love. When we didn't have food, someone gave us money or brought us groceries, when there wasn't money for bill, sometimes we didn't have electric but later money came in to pay the bill. Those times showed that God would provide, He never promised a rose garden or mansion on top of a hill, He said he would provide for our needs if we trust Him.
It is no accident that you are in a church with a pastor that you trust and believe in, making new friend who believe in God's grace. No accident at all. So I know, not hope, but know there is an answer coming, in God's time. Joshua shows us everday what a wonderful God who made him and put your humor and his daddy's features to make a little boy who captures everyone's heart. The answer is coming.
I love you and together as a family we will be there for one another.
I love you, you are my little girl.
