Sunday, July 02, 2006

As Promised....TOM

That is right...I do have another brother other than the almost funny and sometimes famous, John. (I think I said that backwards...almost famous and sometimes funny). Anyway...I have proof that he exists...see the picture. Now don't be alarmed it really is my brother and not my sister, I promise, at least that is what my mom told me as a child. The hair is to keep people guessing. He is actually the smartest of all of us and since he says he never reads this, then I feel safe that it wouldn't go to his head. I think the growing of the hair has to do with the fact that my mom is constantly "suggesting" (nagging) him to cut it and he is not going to just to spite her. Tom is what we call in our family "the creative one". I think it is the same in every family, there is always that one that does everything different than their siblings. Tom is that person. The strange thing is...the kids all think he is cool. (WHATEVER!). Samuel thought Uncle Tom was cool when he taught him that the color brown was called "poop" and that he should refer to my half brother, Justin, as "punk". Tom likes to buy the toys that make the most noise or the one's that don't have an off button. He gets great pleasure in torturing me though my kids...he says it is payback. But for what I can't figure. I mean I was a perfect sister and very loving towards him going up and we used to hug and laugh and play games....OH WAIT....That wasn't me and Tom. We used to fight constantly and I thought a few times that I may be sent to an early grave. But we have both matured...(Well I have at least...just kidding). Now Tom is the person that I could call if I ever needed anything. This includes helping me fix things and helping my husband fix things and burning CD/DVD movies for my kids, even if some of them have subtitles from China or Africa or somewhere (I don't ask...he don't tell). He also has built the neatest things...wooden wagons, corner cabinets, cradles, and high chairs. They are not just neat they are really good and most of them he made without any plan. I still think Sam's wagon is heavier than Tyler's. Anyway....I think I have said enough, I will let my mom and John fill in anything that I left out.

This is Tom in front of a desk that he built for grandpa.


Anonymous said...

Well, I like Tom's hair. It took awile but I'm used to it. You and Tom did have your moments but whenever we are together I think wow who would have thought this was possible? I will never forget Tom coming over after one of my frantic calls, my microwave didn't work and at that time I had those awful screw in circuit breakers. So he came stomping in and looked things over then ask me to come to the kitchen. He had figured out my problem. I needed to plug it in. I have never quite lived that one down. He is the pied piper of the grandchildren they think Uncle Tom is pretty awsome and so do I. The two of you have a definite past history but he has the last word. He keeps saying the paybacks will be great. Sam and Joshua both have a lot of your personality, so I expect he is sitting with his arms crossed waiting to observe the action.



Big John said...

Tom truly is one of a kind. One of my biggest regrets about moving to Florida is that our kids won't get the chance to know Uncle Tom as well, however, they will most likely avoid a prison term for receiving stolen property.

Jason Grate- Ordinary Extraordinary- Simple Stories of Lessons learned said...

Hilarious post! Completely unrelated question. What is a site meter? You mentioned it in a previous post and I don't think I have one? How do I get one? Man do I sound like an idiot.... But really... can you tell me?

Kelley said...

Very cool. Tom is very talented. I feel like I have really missed out by not getting to know him better. I like the hair. I've always had a thing for long hair. Remember Shawn Davy, anyone?